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At Lowe’s, we understand the pride you take in your yard, and it shows in our exclusive Lowe’s Garden Club Select line of unique plants.

From the eye-catching appeal of new varieties to time-tested favorites, these beauties have been carefully selected and thoroughly tested. The result? Peak performance for your exact growing conditions and satisfaction guaranteed.

So if gardening is your passion, you’ve come to the right place.

GCS Plant Search

Selection Process

It takes years of scientific development by world class breeders to perfect the superior bloom size, form and color we demand. Our horticultural experts review hundreds of varieties submitted for consideration and select only those that meet the highest standards to progress to the testing phase.

Testing Process

Potential Lowe’s Garden Club Select varieties are subjected to exhaustive grow tests, under “real life” conditions, for each of the major growing zones.

Week by week, our experts meticulously track and monitor the entire growing process, so we can be sure that only those plants demonstrating exceptional performance bear the Lowe’s Garden Club Select name.